
Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Yes, Claude Code can decompile itself. Here's the source code.

These LLMs are shockingly good at deobfuscation, transpilation and structure to structure conversions. I discovered this back around Christmas where I asked an LLM to make me an Haskell audio library by transpiling a rust implementation. An “oh fuck” moment in timeOver the Christmas break I’ve been critically looking

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

what if instead of "responsible disclosure" as the infosec standard it was "responsible resolution"?

As hacker summer camp swings into full gear, I reflect upon the time where I was arrested under suspicion of transforming a Hong Kong university mail server into a 0-day warez site and almost spent time in hacker winter camp. I was, fortunately, 13 at the time and last week

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Why are McDonald’s Self Service Kiosks so hackable?

McDonalds in Australia do a decent cup of coffee. It’s not great but it’s consistently decent so I often start my day with a cup. Due to my travels around Australia in a decked out van I have seen how many McDonalds operate and just how many of

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

COVIDSafe: Australia’s digital contact tracing failure

I'm here all by myself reading actual peer-reviewed publications from other countries where appropriate technology was rolled out to assist medical professionals whilst Australia remains in shambles.