Ello everyone, in the "Yes, Claude Code can decompile itself. Here's the source code" blog post, I teased about a new meta when using Cursor. This post is a follow-up to the post below. You are using Cursor AI incorrectly...I’m hesitant to give this
Damien Guard nerd sniped me and other folks wanted more proof that it is now cheap, easy and possible to cheaply rewrite software or clone existing "source available" businesses (see bottom of the post). So, let's get cracking by creating a toy application by sending this
These LLMs are shockingly good at deobfuscation, transpilation and structure to structure conversions. I discovered this back around Christmas where I asked an LLM to make me an Haskell audio library by transpiling a rust implementation. An “oh fuck” moment in timeOver the Christmas break I’ve been critically looking
Two weeks ago a student anonymously emailed me asking for advice. This is the reply and if I was in your shoes this is what I'd do. So, I read your blog post "An oh f*** moment in time" alongside "The future belongs to idea
What follows is an email that arrived in my inbox moments ago, reproduced in it's entirety. I'll be doing a response letter, after I get some sleep. For now, discuss at https://x.com/GeoffreyHuntley/status/1888365040572751973 Hi there, So, I read your blog post "
🗞️I recently shipped a follow-up blog post to this one; this post remains true. You'll need to know this to be able to drive the N-factor of weeks of co-worker output in hours technique as detailed at https://ghuntley.com/specs I'm hesitant to give this
At "an oh fuck moment in time", I closed off the post with the following quote. N period on from now, software engineers who haven't adopted or started exploring software assistants, are frankly not gonna make it. Engineering organizations right now are split between employees who
There, I said it. I seriously can't see a path forward where the majority of software engineers are doing artisanal hand-crafted commits by as soon as the end of 2026. If you are a software engineer and were considering taking a gap year/holiday this year it would
Been doing heaps of thinking about how software is made after https://ghuntley.com/oh-fuck and the current design/UX approach by vendors of software assistants. IDEs, since 1983, have been designed around an experience of a single plane of glass. Restricted by what an engineer can see on their
Over the Christmas break, I’ve been critically looking at my own software development loop, learning a new programming language, and re-learning a language I haven’t used professionally in over seven years. It's now 2025. Software assistants are now a core staple of my day-to-day life as