Software Development

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Every day I wake up and ask myself what is a software development environment

Here I am, without my van, on the opposite side of the world, sitting at IHOP in Austin, Texas, and the story of how I ended up here is a strange one. It has now been just over a month since I left Gitpod, a company I thought I would

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture

A couple of moments ago, I finished reading the article by Rob O'Leary about the pervasive data collection done by Visual Studio Code. Now that I'm no longer an employee at Gitpod, I'm finally able to author a blog post freely about something that

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

/new convention: think of it as "dotfiles" but "for computers"

🔎I authored this blog post whilst I was an employee of Gitpod for Gitpod. I no longer work at Gitpod. Earlier last year I added a /new page to my website at as a productivity shortcut and partly out of necessity of doing software development from

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

No other profession trivialises their profession to the degree of software

Software in 2022 is overwhelmingly built with little to no consequence and is made up of other components which are overwhelmingly developed by unpaid volunteers on an AS-IS basis that are being financially neglected. Systemically, I'm concerned that there is a lack of professional liability, rigorous industry best

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

$ sudo rm -rf / === npm install

🔎I authored this blog post whilst I was an employee of Gitpod for Gitpod. I no longer work at Gitpod. In what seems like a long time ago, in part because it is, I learned the catastrophic capabilities of this command the hard way, and I'm sure folks

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Reflections on software development from anywhere on an iPad

The Macbook Pro M1 is the software development laptop of choice yet I love my iPad considerably more. I'm all in with my thin client for hipsters. Here’s what I’ve learned over the months and how my baremetal homelab in the sky is setup.

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

COVIDSafe: Australia’s digital contact tracing failure

I'm here all by myself reading actual peer-reviewed publications from other countries where appropriate technology was rolled out to assist medical professionals whilst Australia remains in shambles.