
Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

From Design doc to code: the Groundhog AI coding assistant (and new Cursor vibecoding meta)

Ello everyone, in the "Yes, Claude Code can decompile itself. Here's the source code" blog post, I teased about a new meta when using Cursor. This post is a follow-up to the post below. You are using Cursor AI incorrectly...I’m hesitant to give this

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action...

Two weeks ago a student anonymously emailed me asking for advice. This is the reply and if I was in your shoes this is what I'd do. So, I read your blog post "An oh f*** moment in time" alongside "The future belongs to idea

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

I had my AI "oh f***" moment and I'm a student, now what?

What follows is an email that arrived in my inbox moments ago, reproduced in it's entirety. I'll be doing a response letter, after I get some sleep. For now, discuss at Hi there, So, I read your blog post "

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

What do I mean by some software devs are "ngmi"?

At "an oh fuck moment in time", I closed off the post with the following quote. N period on from now, software engineers who haven't adopted or started exploring software assistants, are frankly not gonna make it. Engineering organizations right now are split between employees who

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

the art of giving a shit

I was asked recently on the topic of leadership. In short, I’m an avid fan of servant leadership - being selflessly 100% focused on helping folks within my team / being a janitor. What is Servant Leadership? - Greenleaf Center for Servant LeadershipGreenleaf Center for Servant Leadership Back circa 2018,

Geoffrey Huntley
Members Public

a bored consultant on the bench

For some, this is the consulting version of Siberia; lost in a hopeless no-man’s land. Without a plan, you'll have very little to do and what you are assigned is often either busy-work or unfulfilling at best. Like a utility player on a sports team, you are