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ghci GHCi tip: import Module and :load Module do very different things! import brings the exports of Module into scope....
Graph Databases
Key Concepts order: number of vertices sub-graph: part of a graph degre: degree of a vetrex is the total number of edges connecting the vertex out-degree and in-degree: for directed graph, degree has in-degree and out-degree loop: edges that connect ot the same vertex path: starting from vertex u, and ending at vertex v, there is a sequence of v0, ee1, v1, e2, v3, vk, K is hte length of the path....
structs structs are typed collections of fields. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records. 1 2 3 4 5 type Person struct { GivenName string Surname string Age int } Instances of the struct can be created in a variety of ways...
Logging If you know the exact PID of the process you are interested in, you can filter by that as well by specifying the _PID field....
duplicating a repository 1 2 3 4 5 $ git clone --bare $ cd old-repository.git $ git push --mirror https://github....
Ignore robots.txt 1 wget -e robots=off
Markdown is “a plain text format for writing structured documents, based on formatting conventions from email and usenet” – CommonMark...
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL server is more than a database. It’s actually a suite of data applications: Database engine (which is what you love/hate) Service Broker (the original social media application) Replication (it’s my data but I will update you on anything new or any updates) SQL CMD (DBAs ....