Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL server is more than a database. It’s actually a suite of data applications:
- Database engine (which is what you love/hate)
- Service Broker (the original social media application)
- Replication (it’s my data but I will update you on anything new or any updates)
- SQL CMD (DBAs .. please stand up)
- SSIS (which enables you to do evil stuff like suck data out of DB2 and dump it into ORACLE)
- SSAS Multi-dimensional (a powerful aggregation monster that is very complicated)
- SSAS Tabular (a powerful in-memory aggregation monster that is easier to develop than it’s cousin)
- SSRS (enough said)
- MDS (a very big dunny brush that cleans data and builds master lists of ….)
- DQS (a very small dunny brush)
- CDC (an interesting way to manage changes in data)
- Profiler (I will slow down the database engine so that I can find out what is slowing down the database engine)
- Distributed Relay (good luck)
- Database Tuning Advisor (spamware that should never be used)
- Machine Learning Server (tell me what I am now thinking about?)
- SSMS (the worlds best and worst ide)
- BIDS (a betting shop for SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS)
- SSDT (BIDS’s better looking sibling)
- mssql -cli (I am new and 1980s looking)
- Operation Studio (OSX and Linux users now have access to dumbed down SSMS)
Azure SQL database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse are a different kettle of fish altogether. Well .. the Azure SQL database engine comes from the same branch of code as the SQL Server database engine (feature switching at it’s best).
# cheat sheet
# version of SQL Server